Changing the part of a human hair wig

How to Change the Part of a Wig or Topper

Are you tired of the same old look with your human hair wig or topper? Do you want the versatility of changing your hairstyle? But, without committing to a whole new piece? This post is for you! A simple and great way to transform your look is to change the part of your wig or topper. You may want a chic side part or a bold middle part, or anything in between. This post has all the knowledge and tools you need.

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Can Human Hair Wigs or Toppers Be Dyed?

Can Human Hair Wigs or Toppers Be Dyed?

Yes, human hair wigs can be dyed, just like natural hair. However, it’s important to note that not all wigs are created equal, and the quality of the hair will play a significant role in the outcome of the colour.
Human hair wigs and human hair toppers will be able to be coloured in many ways. However, if your wig or topper is made with low-quality human hair, it may not hold the dye as well, or the hair may be damaged by the chemicals in the dye.

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Can you wear a human hair wig or topper with bangs?

Can you wear a human hair topper with bangs? 

Whether you call it a fringe or bangs, the answer is YES! Our Human Hair Toppers look fabulous with bangs. 
Bangs in your hair topper are a great way to wear your topper if you dont want to blend your own hair at the front, or if you already have bangs in your own hair. The topper will easily clip on top of your own hair and cover up your own hair line, or blend with your own bangs.  

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Free online consultation human hair wigs

I Need Help To Buy A Wig / Topper!

We Offer Free Online Wig Consultations

Looking to purchase a wig or topper can be very exciting, but also a little daunting. With so many options with different names, it can be hard to understand the “lingo”. What is a lace front? What cap size am I? What does Remy hair mean? That’s why we have complimentary online wig consultations to help guide you through the process. Consultations can be done virtually online, in the privacy of your own home or at my studio.

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