
Wigs For Children

Wigs For Children Variety Charity

Supporting Children with Medical Hair Loss: Variety’s Mission for Human Hair Wigs

Wigs For Children

At Goldylost, we understand the profound impact hair loss can have on a person’s life, especially for children. We’re excited to share the work of an extraordinary, beloved organization—Variety who funds wigs for children in Australia. Variety aims to empower children with medical challenges. It does this by providing them with human hair wigs.

Wigs For Children: What Variety Does!

Variety helps kids who have lost their hair to alopecia or illness. It provides funds for wigs. They offer up to AUD$5,000 every two years to help cover the costs of these essential wigs. These custom wigs restore appearance and boost the kids’ confidence.

How to Apply to Get Financial Support for a Wig

For families interested in applying for a wig grant, Variety requires a detailed and factual application. This should include:

  • The child’s name and contact details
  • Specific information related to the child’s medical diagnosis, supported by doctor’s information
  • Details about the required wig, including supplier information
  • Financial documentation to illustrate household income

Applications are meticulously reviewed to ensure that support goes where it is most needed.

The Power of Donations and Volunteering

Variety not only relies on financial donations but also on hair donations. Volunteers at Variety sort donated hair. It is then made into high-quality wigs. We use hair that is over 35 cm long and untreated by chemicals to create these wigs. If the hair is short or treated, it is used in other ways to support the program. This ensures that all contributions are valuable.

Hair with Heart

A young donor, Aliki, has a heartwarming story. She cut her 15-inch hair to support kids with serious illnesses. This brave gesture was part of her school’s end-of-term activities. Local community members, including a generous hairdresser and her mother, supported it.

Another touching testimony is from Hannah. At four years old, doctors diagnosed her with alopecia areata. Bullied at school, she got a custom wig from Variety. It changed everything. Now 15, Hannah enjoys a vibrant school life filled with friends, netball, and dance. Her confidence has soared, showing how transformative a wig can be.

How You Can Help?

Donating your hair or money can change a child’s life. Every bit of help counts. It can fund a wigs for children or support Variety’s work for sick, disabled, or disadvantaged children.

Please learn about this cause. Consider how you might help. Your support could make a big difference in these young lives.

For more info, to donate, or to apply for a wig grant, visit Variety’s website or email the Kids Support team at kidssupport@varietynsw.org.

Let’s spread the word about the amazing work at Variety. Your support can make the difference!

Variety Website | Download PDF Form | Contact: kidssupport@varietynsw.org

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